How I finally got Google AdSense approval to monetise my website

Google AdSense Approval

Are you struggling to gain AdSense Approval? After several rejections, I was beginning to think it was impossible, but it’s not. It can be accomplished with a bit of perseverance.

You may have started blogging as a pastime during lockdown or in the hopes of supplementing. your income due to cutbacks. Whatever the reason, monetising your site is essential and an effective way to do this is through Google AdSense. You may just want to cover the costs of your website being hosted or you may be looking for a new and sustainable stream of income.

I found I was spending many hours writing blogposts but it wasn’t bringing in any money. I had to turn my hobby into an income generator to make my involvement pay its way. I knew monetisation was the answer as I had seen Google AdSense at work on one of the largescale sites I write for. But every time I submitted a blogsite for AdSense approval it was rejected.

Sometimes Google gives you a reason for withholding approval but more often than not, they don’t, so you have to figure it out for yourself. “You need to fix some issues before your site is ready for AdSense,” is their usual response. If you have seen these words time after time, I understand your frustration! This is their standard negative reply which basically translates to: “The computer says ‘No!’ “

Google AdSense Approval

How to gain AdSense approval

Needless to say, I spent many hours googling how to gain Google Adsense Approval! Through my initial attempts, I realised my sites needed to have sufficient content and couldn’t include any of my own advertising. I later realised that the content needs to be original. In other words, I needed to submit content that others weren’t writing about, with my own pictures (not stock images). I couldn’t just repackage press releases to puff out the pages.

I also think having at least 50 posts helps as well as some sort of traffic over a couple of months. Good SEO is also important as AdSense prefers organic traffic over social media. I seemed to have all this in hand but Adsense Approval still eluded me. At the end of the day, my Achilles heel turned out to be nothing more than bureaucracy. Google require each AdSense site had to have a Privacy Policy and a Terms and Conditions Page. The code also had to be properly installed.

Fortunately, I paid for the services of a monetisation expert to assist me. She was a great help and within the space of a week I had secured AdSense approval for two of my blog sites. Thankfully, the day finally came when the computer said yes… “Good news! Your site, is now ready to show AdSense ads.”

If you need help with gaining AdSense approval feel free to contact me at

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