The proof is in the numbers: Case Study shows the value of SEO blogging

The value of SEO blogging

Countdown director Al Gibson is a firm believer in the value of SEO blogging. He writes blogs for multiple clients each month on diverse topics but each with the same goal in mind – to deliver increased traffic. And not just any traffic, but targeted hits from potential clients searching for answers to specific questions or particular keywords. This in turn can bring in more online sales.

So what results have we found when looking at the Google Analytics of our clients over the past year? Certainly, clients using our SEO packages have seen increases in web traffic. Significantly, their data demonstrates higher rates of organic traffic in contrast to social media. This shows that the targeted keywords are producing positive results!

The value of SEO blogging

In this post we look at a Case Study from one of our clients who receives regular blog posts from us. The graph below shows Page Views across a period of 16 months. As you can see, the site has received hits of over 2,000 each month consistently with some months reaching the 3,000 mark. This is quite an achievement for a reasonably small WordPress website.

Not all of this traffic is from blogs of course, however each of the 36 blogs we posted over the course of the year contain multiple links to internal pages, thereby increasing their ranking. It is amazing that just by adding one new post to your site each month can keep up the momentum and in this case an average of three posts per month shows consistent results.

Moreover, this traffic represents over 10,000 users in some 14,000 sessions. 4119 of these have come via organic search and only 776 through social media. It’s interesting that five times more readers have come in response to key word searches than those who have clicked on a Facebook or Twitter link. This shows that the key words are delivering, especially the ‘long tail’ key words which include a location.

Looking through the 36 blog posts certain key words have done better than others, some have 100 hits, others double that. Ironically this could be a result of how often the posts were shared on social media. However getting 100 or more people reading a specific article around a topic they have selected can be more beneficial than general website traffic. Therein lies the value of SEO blogging. The consistent posting of high-quality blogs, containing targeted keywords and answering questions people are asking about your products and services, can be particularly effective in attracting new business.

In conclusion, I realise some clients will be looking for significantly higher traffic than this example. We can certainly help to achieve that. However the process is the same. It will just require scaling up, with the need for increased investment to guarantee greater returns. What is clear from this example though is that the figures speak for themselves concerning the value of SEO blogging. It’s also nice to get positive feedback from clients confirming how this works in practice. “Just had an enquiry and I asked how they found us. The client googled one of our keywords and that we came up very early in the search. Encouraging signs of fruit from our SEO work.”

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